Coates, Treacherous Foundations

Coates, Treacherous Foundations

La siguiente publicación cuenta con un 25% de descuento para los socios de la Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas. A continuación se facilitan los detalles: 

Geraldine Coates, Treacherous Foundations: Betrayal and Collective Identity in Early Spanish Epic, Chronicle, and Drama.  

More details of this book can be seen at its page on our website at: Boydell

Members of the Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas can order at the 25% discount price (£41.25) by phoning 01394 610600, faxing 01394 610316, ordering by email at or ordering securely on-line by going to:

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Artículo siguienteVI Congreso de la SIERS