Colloquium on Hispanic Texts and Manuscripts: MIMSS


Colloquium on Hispanic Texts and Manuscripts


Summer Common Room
Magdalen College, Oxford

Friday 30 January 2015 from 3.00pm

Tea and Coffee will be available from 2.45

3.00-3.40: Dr Barry Taylor (The British Library), Vincent of Beauvais and Alfonso X

3.40-4.20: Professor Anthony Lappin (Maynooth/SCAS Uppsala), The strata of annotations to the «Alchoran latinus» of 1143 and its publication from Cluny

4.20-4.50: Break

4.50-5.30: Dr Juan Carlos Conde (Oxford), Lost and Found: the fifteenth-century manuscript of João I of Portugal’s «Livro da Montaria»

5.30-6.15: Professor Jeremy Lawrance (Nottingham), Philip II and the editing of the Gothic Fathers (title to be confirmed)

6.15-6.30: Professor David Hook (Oxford), Pentrials: Towards a Taxonomy of a Genre?


Dr Déborah González (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Emoción y enfermedad en las «Cantigas de Santa María»

Session of MIMSS, Friday 13 February 2015
Old Practice Room, Magdalen College, 5.00pm

(Tea and Coffee will be served from 4.30pm)